


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:30AM - 8PM

Abu Li. BC 省注册按摩师 多年工作经验
拥有加拿大认证指压协会執業資格证书。治療師使用按摩技術(用手指,手掌,肘部,膝蓋和腳等)按壓身體表面的穴位,以刺激身體的自然自我治愈能力。善于結合了亞洲技巧(例如中國的推拿,泰國的Nuad Bo-Rarn和日本的指壓按摩等)與西方肌肉療法。它成為一種有效而獨特的療法,它通過使身體恢復平衡,柔韌性和健康狀態來努力促進健康和活力。

Acupressure massage is developed from an ancient healing art in Asia over 5,000 years ago. The therapist uses massage techniques (with fingers, palms, elbows, knees, and feet etc.) to press acupoints on the surface of the body to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. The pressure on key points along meridian pathways removes energy blockages throughout the body by diffusing the toxic buildup that accumulates in the muscle tissue.

Nowadays, acupressure massage combines Asian techniques (such as Chinese Tuina, Thai Nuad Bo-Rarn, and Japanese Shiatsu etc.) with western muscular treatment. It becomes an effective and unique therapy which strives to promote wellness and vitality by restoring the body into a state of balance, flexibility and health.

Qiana 毕业于中国山西长治医学院,

Qiana graduated from ShangXi Changzhi
Medical University in China. She has more than
ten years working experiences in a first class hospital.
Her unique massage technique and traditional
Chinese medical massage have been well
received by many customers.

余生很贵经不起浪费, 唯有养生推拿才是对自己最好的安慰!没有长生之药,只有养身之道!获得加拿大推拿治疗、足疗、美容、自然营养学证书,运用传统和现代推拿相结合的方法,擅长全身和局部(肩、背、腰、腿、关节、鼻腔等部位)的酸、麻、肿、痛、风湿、扭伤等病灶,袪湿拔寒,刮砂、推拿,口碑众多、效果明显。